Easy, Fun Activities for Introverted Kids

An introverted kid does a fun activity

Many typical “fun” activities for kids can be too loud and overstimulating for introverted children.

If you have an introverted kid, you know how challenging it can be to find fun activities they’re comfortable participating in. We live in an extroverted world, and, much like adult introverts, many crowded, loud events can be overstimulating for introverted children.

My five-year-old daughter — a sweet and sensitive introvert — loves to dance. So, my husband and I signed her up for ballet, without considering how the loud music in the big, high-ceilinged dance room might affect her. It wasn’t long before she didn’t want to go anymore. After some gentle coaxing, she admitted she didn’t like the loud music.

We bought some noise-canceling headphones and, ta-da! My introverted daughter became more comfortable and confident, and happily continued in the dance class (which also pleased Mom and Dad, who had already paid for said dance class). Luckily, we found a way to make it accessible for her, and the dance instructor was incredibly supportive.

While it’s important to help our little introverts learn to navigate an extroverted world, it’s also crucial to provide some fun activities they can participate in naturally, as their full selves, without needing special accommodations. And if your mini introvert inherits their personality from dear old Dad or Mom (like, ahem, me), then these activities are a win-win!

(Is your child an introvert? Here are seven common characteristics of introverted kids.)

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Easy, Fun Activities for Introverted Children

1. Visit the ultimate introvert destination: the library.

Of course, the library is at the top of any fun activity list for introverted kids. For kids, it’s the ideal combination of independent play, reading, and crafting. Plus, the kids’ section of the library usually has plenty of toys, from puzzles and blocks to animal farms and baby dolls. Many libraries also have coloring pages, with crayons and markers on hand. They often offer crafts during holidays or special seasons too.

And the most obvious part of the library — the books. Are you even an introvert if you don’t love books? You can read them at the library, take them home, or stay for Story Time and enjoy being around other parents of young kids without the pressure of having to actually engage.

2. Next, off to the park you go.

Weather permitting, my kids can be found at the park several times a week. It’s the perfect place if you have multiple children and not all of them are introverts. The extroverted kids find friends, while the introverted kids explore solo.

Being outside and running around is beneficial for all kids, regardless of their personalities. Research shows that kids who spend time outside are physically healthier, have better impulse control, have less anger and aggression, and are mentally healthier. The park is a great low-pressure environment for kids to play on their own or together.

My introverted daughter loves meeting new friends at the park. It’s been the best way for her to learn to navigate relationships in a way that feels natural to her. There are many “escape routes” for when she’s finished interacting with other kids and wants to take the solo route to recharge.

3. Explore an indoor play area when it’s less crowded.

When the weather isn’t cooperating, we’ve found some enjoyable indoor play places that offer the same introvert-friendly advantages as the good ole’ park. If you go with multiple kids, they have the option to play together or explore solo. There are usually many different stations for them to experience on their own, or with Mom or Dad.

A word of caution: Indoor play places can sometimes get loud. If it’s a birthday party or any group play activity where your child might feel pressured to interact with others, it might not be the most introvert-friendly experience.

My advice? Call ahead and ask about the least busy times and if there are any large groups scheduled that you might want to avoid.

Is social anxiety holding your child back?

Although social anxiety is not the same thing as introversion, many introverted kids experience this painful and isolating condition. The truth is your child can learn the skills to overcome their social anxiety, and our partner Natasha Daniels can show them how. This means happier school days, less resistance to social activities, more friends, and lifelong confidence. Click here to check out her online class, How to Crush Social Anxiety. For ages 10+.

4. Or, spend a day playing “artist.”

Art — and creativity in general — are such wonderful ways for introverts to express themselves and feel seen and understood in ways they might not be otherwise. This can involve crafts, painting, pottery, or even photography. Find a local art class, or just have an arts-and-crafts day at home, allowing your kids to get messy and fully immerse themselves in their self-expression.

Music is another fantastic art form for introverts. For younger children, you can get small instruments, or for older kids, consider music lessons for whichever instrument they’re interested in. Many introverts enjoy expressing themselves through writing and can make great songwriters as well!

5. Explore their inner world through pretend play.

Whether it involves baby dolls, stuffed animals, or a play kitchen, allowing your introverted children to explore and use their minds can be incredibly fun and freeing for them. Research shows that pretend play helps kids understand social situations (like a loud dance class or a 47-kid birthday party) and regulate their emotions, among other benefits. 

Pretend play can be done in obvious places, like your living room, or even at the library. Or, set up a low-key play date with another introverted friend and let them play side-by-side, with no pressure to actually play together. Playing alongside someone in silence can be a comfortable way to socialize. You’re together, yet alone, an introvert’s dream come true.

6. No matter what, “just keep swimming!”

Individual athletic sports can be ideal for introverts, and swimming is an excellent example. To begin, the little ones can take individual swim lessons, where they can become comfortable in the water and receive one-on-one instruction. As they grow older, they can join a swim team and even compete. It’s a fun way to be part of a team, while also having the opportunity to focus on personal performance and skill development.

Of course, not every child will be drawn to swimming, so it’s important to find their equivalent of swimming and start from there. No matter what you do, don’t force them into an activity they dislike (though some initial encouragement is okay).

(Speaking of not forcing them into activities, here are 15 things you should never do to your introverted child.)

7. Finally, unwind with a quiet activity, like yoga.

Yoga is probably one of the most flexible options for kids (pun intended). You can practice it alone in your living room with fun programs like Cosmic Kids Yoga, or take a class at your local gym or yoga studio. It’s also a great option when you want to be around people but prefer doing your own thing, striking the perfect balance for an introverted child!

Yoga teaches valuable lessons such as deep breathing, staying calm in overwhelming situations, and connecting to the physical sensations of our bodies, which can be helpful when we get lost in our own thoughts. Teach your kids to incorporate affirmations or mantras into their practice to build confidence, like “I will be okay.” When facing challenging, extroverted situations like school or birthday parties, they can call to mind their mantras to comfort and guide them.

Choose Your Own Introvert-Friendly Adventure

A quick reminder: not all introverts — or kids — are alike. Some might love expressing themselves through music, while others prefer the quiet of a library. There are no right or wrong activities for introverted kids; it’s all about finding what feels good to your specific child.

That said, talk to them about what they enjoy, how those activities make them feel, and how they might find activities that best suit them.

Fun, introvert-friendly activities are a great way to build your child’s confidence and help them embrace their introversion. They have their own superpowers to explore and develop, to become their very best, unique, introverted selves. Personally, I wish more adults had walked me through this process as a child, instead of letting me feel like something was wrong with me for not loving the high-energy, loud, people-packed events that others enjoyed.

So, have fun with your little introverts and don’t be afraid to let them lead the way!

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