Why Introverts Hate Last-Minute Plans

an introvert hates last-minute plans

If we’ve planned a quiet day at home, it’s annoying for us introverts to have to abandon that for an unplanned outing.

When I was a kid, I quickly realized that I really disliked last-minute plans. My extroverted mom had a habit of informing me about family parties at the last minute. I would be envisioning a peaceful Saturday at home, and then she would suddenly tell me that we had to get ready within two hours to attend cousin John’s party or Aunt Ophelia’s family reunion.

These unexpected changes to my plans always frustrated me. Often, I would have a terrible time at these events, wishing I were back home instead.

However, it wasn’t the family parties themselves that I disliked; it was the short notice that bothered me. As an introvert, I need at least a one-day heads-up to mentally prepare for and enjoy a social event. Introverts typically like to plan things in advance; we’re not generally inclined towards spontaneity.

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Introverts and the Struggle With Last-Minute Plans

As a teenager, I frequently argued with my mom over last-minute plans, but I often found myself at a loss for words to explain my frustration. Even if my plans were as simple as staying in my bedroom and doing nothing, sudden changes were unsettling for me.

My mom, who didn’t mind being informed about plans at the eleventh hour, especially when she had no other commitments, couldn’t grasp my discomfort. She perceived these impromptu outings as saving me from a boring day at home, but for me, they disrupted the peaceful and relaxing day I had already envisioned.

My understanding of this issue deepened when I realized I wasn’t broken, I was an introvert. This self-discovery helped me articulate why the absence of advance planning was so problematic for me.

So, let me share four reasons a lot of introverts typically dislike last-minute plans.

Why Introverts Hate Last-Minute Plans

1. Introverts thrive on being prepared.

Many introverts dislike unpredictability and aim to make things as smooth as possible. This is why we might practice repeatedly in front of a mirror for a speech or rehearse what to say before making a phone call — a task many introverts aren’t fond of.

When a last-minute plan involves a social situation, it can be particularly distressing. Few things are more dreaded by introverts than being informed of a social event just a few hours (or even minutes) in advance. While each introvert has their own preferences, a common desire is to be informed at least two or three days ahead. This allows us to conserve our energy and mentally prepare for the event.

If you tell an introvert about an impromptu plan to hang out at their house, or that you’re picking them up for a club or party without prior notice, don’t expect an enthusiastic response. More often than not, you’ll hear an introvert scrambling to find an excuse to avoid the situation.

Give introverts as much prep time as possible, especially for social activities.

2. Last-minute plans create uncertainty.

Like anyone else, we introverts need some structure in our lives. We thrive on routines, constantly planning our day in our minds, from what we’ll eat to our activities and their duration. Not knowing something might leave us uneasy. Unfortunately, when a last-minute plan is imposed, it not only disrupts our schedule but also introduces numerous uncertainties.

If we must attend an event or undertake a task abruptly, we need details like the time, location, and duration, as well as a clear understanding of the proceedings, the attendees, and any additional arrangements, etc. Lacking this information can unsettle us and deplete our energy more quickly than usual. This happens because much of our energy goes into reacting and adapting to the new situation we’re thrust into at the eleventh hour.

3. Last-minute plans disrupt our alone time.

We introverts guard our alone time zealously, and that’s no secret. To function optimally, we need solitary moments. (You can read about the science behind why introverts love alone time here.)

Thus, it’s particularly irritating when someone interrupts our solo time unexpectedly. If we’ve planned a quiet day at home, perhaps reading a book or watching a movie, it’s annoying for us introverts to have to abandon that for an unplanned outing.

I’m not suggesting you can’t invite us out because we’re hermits who prefer perpetual solitude. Advance notice of a plan, at least two or three days ahead, often results in our acceptance, as it gives us time to mentally prepare. Additionally, it allows us to arrange our schedule to include alone time both before and after the event, to recharge our energy.

However, expecting us to alter our plans at the last moment will likely lead to a defensive stance over our time, and a probable refusal. Regardless of whether we have something “important” planned, we’re generally reluctant to forfeit our treasured alone time.

Do you ever struggle to know what to say?

As an introvert, you actually have the ability to be an amazing conversationalist — even if you’re quiet and hate small talk. To learn how, we recommend this online course from our partner Michaela Chung. Click here to check out the Introvert Conversation Genius course.

4. When we have time to prepare, we enjoy the event more.

One of the worst things about last-minute plans is that we’re not mentally prepared for them, often leading to a less-than-stellar time. Instead of enjoying it, the situation can turn out to be more unpleasant and stressful than if we had known about it in advance.

It might seem weird to extroverts, but we need time to prepare for social situations, especially when interacting with people we’re not familiar with. A social event can quickly exhaust us introverts, so we need to prepare by recharging our energy beforehand and mentally bracing for the introvert hangover that will likely follow the event.

When a social event comes out of nowhere, and we haven’t had time to properly prepare, it can throw us off, disrupt our schedule and peace of mind, and strip away our chance to enjoy it. But when we know about the plan in advance, we can end up having a great time because we had enough time to mentally prepare ourselves to socialize.

Please Don’t Make Plans With Introverts at the Last Minute

If you have an introvert in your life, please avoid surprising them with plans at the last minute. It doesn’t matter if our only “plan” for the day was to stay home and do nothing. We are very protective of our alone time, and spontaneity isn’t our strong suit, especially in social situations.

We enjoy ourselves much more when plans are scheduled in advance. This allows us to prepare ourselves for it, leading to a much better experience.

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