Why There’s No Place Like Home for Introverts

an introvert enjoys his home

While extroverts might see the introvert’s love for staying home as a defect — a sign that we’re boring or missing out — I’m proud to be a homebody.

As an introvert, I have an almost spiritual connection to my home. That might sound melodramatic, but it’s true. Home is my haven, my sanctuary, my sacred space. It’s where I feel comfortable and able to be my most authentic self.

If you’re an introvert, you might feel the same way. Whether home means the place where you grew up, the house or apartment you’ve personalized, or the private bedroom sanctuary within a shared house, here are a few reasons why, for us introverts, there truly is no place like home.

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Why There’s No Place Like Home for Introverts

Home is how we recharge our energy.

Introverts like me need time alone to decompress. I see my home as the main place where I can recharge my energy.

When you think of it that way, home is an incredibly powerful thing. At the risk of sounding totally zany, there’s an almost magical quality about it. Being home refreshes my spirit in a way that nothing else can.  

On a practical level, home is where I am safe to cry, to make mistakes, to practice and fail. I choose what to let in and what to leave out. I fill my home with the things that energize me, such as music, laughter, and whispered confessions to my most trusted friends. Even better, I keep out the things that drain my energy, like loud chatter, meaningless small talk, drama, and extroverts. (I’m just kidding about that last one… mostly).

Home is where I am most mindful. It’s where I think and reflect deeply. Where I spend time observing — the light, birds, air, my breath. It’s where I tend to my garden, my loved ones, and myself. Where I am most grounded, rooted, and sure of myself, literally and metaphorically.

Home is my soft place to land, a warm hug at the end of a long day, a sigh of relief after I’ve been holding my breath out in the world. Home is where I prepare myself to face the harshness of life outside my own four walls.

In other words, for sensitive introverts like me, home is the safe space where I regulate my emotions so I can be my best, most authentic self when I venture beyond my doors. It’s the reset button that allows me to interact with the world.

It’s where we have control.

Home is where I have control over my environment. I keep the harsh, overhead lights off, working instead by cozy lamplight or the sunlight that streams through my windows. I make myself a cup of coffee or tea whenever I want, and I play whatever music I choose — at whatever volume I like.

In a world designed for extroverts, my home is designed for me. It is my very own introvert sanctuary, adorned with soothing colors, scented with my favorite candles, and replete with warm blankets. It’s where my cat is always waiting to greet me and the shelves are always lined with my favorite books.

This is why some introverts who work from home are happier and more productive; when we control our environment, we minimize interruptions, reduce small talk, and design our space to be conducive to our working style (an open office plan just isn’t it).

Of course, not every introvert has complete control over their home. If you live with roommates, kids, a partner, or your parents, your home may be filled with noise and distractions.

So, carve out a small space where you do have control. Design a space that’s just for you so you can step away and enjoy a moment of peace. Every introvert needs (and deserves) that!

Our home reflects who we are, because we put so much of ourselves into it.

My home is filled with sentimental belongings — nostalgic photographs, family heirlooms, gifts my favorite people have given me, things that bring me joy. But even more than that, home is the only place where I feel completely free to turn “off,” where I explore creative ideas. It’s where I am my goofiest, messiest, most honest self. My home is incredibly personal, which is why I’m fiercely protective of it.

Inviting people into my home is an act of trust. Sometimes, when people come into my home, it feels like an invasion. It’s nothing personal; it’s just that I am a private introvert, and allowing someone into my home is like inviting them to step inside my mind and rummage through my innermost thoughts.

For me, having houseguests, entertaining visitors (especially unannounced ones!), and hosting events can feel incredibly draining. It doesn’t matter who my guests are — having anyone in my space for more than a few hours is overwhelming. It forces me to be “on” in a way that I don’t normally have to be.

Over time, I’ve learned to set boundaries for myself and my living quarters, and I’ve developed ways to cope with — and sometimes enjoy — having company. But I’ve also learned that my home is an extension of myself, and it’s okay for me to be selective about who I invite to it. There’s nothing wrong with cherishing your home and protecting the energy you’ve cultivated there.

Do you ever struggle to know what to say?

As an introvert, you actually have the ability to be an amazing conversationalist — even if you’re quiet and hate small talk. To learn how, we recommend this online course from our partner Michaela Chung. Click here to check out the Introvert Conversation Genius course.

It’s where we create.

Like many introverts, I am a creative person. I love exploring new ideas, and my home is where many of those creative projects take shape. My home is filled with crates of notebooks full of scribbled ideas, musical instruments, and craft supplies tucked into various corners and drawers.

As introverts, we need creative space to generate new ideas, organize our thoughts, and express ourselves. Often, we need a calm, quiet environment where we can tune into our inner voice and explore our own ideas, completely uninhibited. And, for many of us, home is where we go to find that space.

Even if you don’t consider yourself to be an artistic person, you probably benefit from the creative space your home affords you — for example, when you need to think deeply, reflect on a big idea, or solve a complex problem.

For introverts, home is often the best (and sometimes only) place to turn to for the alone time that creative thinking requires.

It’s where we connect meaningfully with the people we love.

At the end of the day, home is where our most sacred and intimate moments happen; it’s where enduring memories are made.

In my case, it’s one of my favorite places to talk with my sister over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. It’s where my husband and I spend quality time together, and where my future kids will one day experience love, compassion, and joy.

While extroverts might see the introvert’s love for staying home as a defect — a sign that we are boring or missing out — I’m proud to be a homebody. I’m grateful to have an introverted mind that sees the value in making my house a home and cherishing the time I spend there.

So, the next time you feel like staying home, I encourage you to do so — unapologetically. Romanticize your home and your relationship with it. Thank it for being there for you in so many ways, and relish in it the way only an introvert can.   

My fellow introverts, are there any reasons you’d add to the list? I’d love to hear in the comments below!

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