4 Funny Illustrated Books that Perfectly Capture the Introvert Life

a funny illustrated book for introverts

These hilarious books will make introverts feel less alone and help the extroverts in their life understand them better.

As an introvert with social anxiety, I’m always looking for ways to find peace and escape from this chaotic world. 

I think I speak for many introverts when I say that, for us, “chaos” can mean anything from unnecessary social interaction to forced small talk. And let’s not forget phone calls, which can be terrifying (please, please send a text instead). 

So, I’m always looking for little rituals to recharge my energy and calm my mood. I’ve found that sinking into a good book helps me break free.

(Speaking of soothing emotions, here are 10 creative activities introverts and sensitive people can do to process and calm their emotions.)

Of course, all introverts have their go-to methods to relax when our worlds get too “peopley” and overwhelming, and reading may not be for everybody. But thankfully there are a few hilarious illustrated books that capture the true essence of being a wallflower in a world that seems full of extroverts.

If you’re an introvert, book lover or not, you’ll definitely relate to these illustrated books and laugh out loud saying, “OMG — that is so me!”

You can thrive as an introvert or a sensitive person in a loud world. Subscribe to our newsletter. Once a week, you’ll get empowering tips and insights in your inbox. Click here to subscribe.

Illustrated Books That Capture the Introvert Life

1. Text, Don’t Call: An Illustrated Guide to the Introverted Life 

If you’re an introvert who prefers texting over calling, this is one of the many reasons you will love Text, Don’t Call: An Illustrated Guide to the Introverted Life, by INFJoe.

As an introvert, I loathe phone calls. Phone calls can really trigger my social anxiety, which means sometimes I have a mini panic attack when my phone rings or I have to make a call. (Please just text. I will watch my phone ring until it stops, then return to texting you, completely ignoring the fact that you called.)

This book will also teach you how to survive in a highly extroverted world, and the illustrations reflect the problems introverts tend to face at the workplace, at parties, or just about anywhere with lots of people.

Introverts are not that complicated. Most of us love deep, meaningful conversations over small talk.

The best part is the book will make you feel less alone. Just because introverts like me want minimal interaction does not make us weird. 

Basically, INFJoe’s book says everything I’m thinking, and I hope you’ll be able to relate, too. Click here to buy it on Amazon.

2. Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert’s Story

Deciding between a big party or sipping tea in solitude? I think that’s a no-brainer for introverts. And that’s where Debbie Tung’s Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert’s Story comes in. It’ll give you a warm fuzzy feeling when you read it and is truly a gem for all the amazing introverts who are also highly sensitive people.

(Side note: Are you a highly sensitive person? Here are 27 “strange” things highly sensitive people do.)

The book illustrates Tung’s experiences as she steps into adulthood. From socializing and dating in her final year of college to falling in love with an extrovert, finding a job, and getting married, Tung depicts her journey as an introvert through her sweet and funny cartoons.

I think a lot of us introverts want reassurance that it’s normal that we want to spend time alone — and Tung reminds us that it’s perfectly OK.

Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert’s Story is a must-read for you or any introvert in your life. It will help you wholeheartedly love and embrace your introversion. If you prefer staying home with your pet over socializing because you love their quiet company, then this is the right book for you. Click here to buy it on Amazon.

You can thrive as an introvert or a sensitive person in a loud world. Subscribe to our newsletter. Once a week, you’ll get empowering tips and insights in your inbox. Click here to subscribe.

3. Introvert Doodles: An Illustrated Look at Introvert Life in an Extrovert World

Introvert Doodles: An Illustrated Look at Introvert Life in an Extrovert World, written and illustrated by Maureen “Marzi” Wilson, does exactly what its title promises.

I strongly feel that introverts and extroverts can be great friends, as I have good friends who are extroverts. They bring energy to our friendship and complement my quiet personality well. Honestly, I have learned a thing or two from them on how not to be awkward in social settings. 

Both introverts and extroverts will enjoy this book, as it depicts how extroverted friends can bring balance to an introvert’s life — and it will help the extroverts decode our introverted quirks, which might seem strange to them at times.

Plus, the hysterical doodles on introversion and social anxiety will make you believe that you are not alone in this extroverted world

Introvert Doodles: An Illustrated Look Introvert Life in an Extrovert World is for all those who constantly find themselves in awkward social situations and make excuses to get away, like being busy with work just to miss an event. In reality, we’re staying home and completing movie marathons with our pets.

Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, or have social anxiety, you should definitely add this book to your reading list. Click here to buy it on Amazon.

4. The Escape Manual for Introverts

The Escape Manual for Introverts, by Katie Vaz, does absolute justice to its name. The book is divided into five sections for different types of relationship — friends, relatives, co-workers, acquaintances, and strangers — and shows you how to “escape” social situations you are put in by each relationship.

Just how do you escape these situations? Vaz includes this funny graph, called the “Plausibility of Excuse Absurdity,” which tells you how ridiculous your excuses can be, based on your relationship with the other person.

For someone like me who has made many absurd excuses to get out of attending a party or two, I found this graph to be hilarious. After all, we introverts may wish to be like Phoebe from Friends and simply say, “I wish I could, but I don’t want to” — but let’s face it, many of us chicken out from telling the absolute truth.

Vaz also illustrates different social scenarios and gives you funny ideas to escape them without hurting your loved ones’ feelings (because it does get tricky with friends and family). 

I think The Escape Manual for Introverts will resonate with any introvert who has ever needed to flee a situation and been in need of a decent excuse to do so. It’s funny, short, and filled with escape plans — need I say more? Click here to buy it on Amazon.

I hope you get your hands on at least one of these amazing books, if not all of them, and learn to celebrate your introversion, just like I did. These books also make great birthday or holiday gifts for the introverts in your life!

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