Why Introverts Should Take Up New, Random Hobbies

an introvert shows off her hobby

You can’t control all the noise and people and chaos, but you can pick up a knitting needle or an Xbox controller. 

If you feel super busy even when your schedule isn’t jam-packed, you’re not alone.

Sometimes I wonder why I’m so exhausted, so I look back on my day, wondering what I actually did. Then I remember, ah yes, I’m an introvert. My mind is always going a mile a minute, even when my body is sitting still. And with two little kids at home, the noise and chatter never end.

As introverts, we can experience incredible amounts of daily stress in the form of things like overstimulation, noise, and, well, just so many people. And our overthinking brains don’t help.

So, what are we to do? Get a hobby. Yep, you read that right. Find a totally random hobby and dive right in.

Not sure about that? Here are six reasons introverts should take up unique hobbies that pique their interest.

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Why Introverts Need Hobbies

1. Hobbies quiet your mind.

Hobbies are kind of like meditation. They give you something to focus on and help quiet your overthinking mind. But there’s a time and a place for meditation, and it certainly isn’t for everyone.

A hobby, though? That’s something you can cater to your own interests. It’s also easier to knit a scarf or bake a loaf of bread when you have anxious energy. It’s something concrete that you can do with your hands. It forces you to be present. (See? Like meditation. But not!)

2. Hobbies give you a sense of control amidst the chaos of life.

Let’s be real, life as an introvert sometimes feels like never-ending stress, right? Anything we can do to minimize, or at least distract ourselves from it, is a welcome addition to the day.

Sure, you can’t control all the noise and people and chaos, but you can pick up a paintbrush or a knitting needle or an Xbox controller.

Even former First Lady Michelle Obama finds purpose in hobbies. In a recent interview, she talked about how she took up knitting during the pandemic, and how it helps calm her during stressful times.

3. They’re fun.

I love to write, but when I started freelancing and using my passion to earn money, it came with its own pressures and stresses. So, instead of always writing brilliant articles like this, sometimes I just sit down with a pen and paper and write poetry. No pressure, nothing to submit (or even show to anyone if I don’t want to). A purely stress-free, fun activity.

When it comes to hobbies, there’s no pressure — they’re just for fun. (And, no, you don’t have to turn it into a side hustle! Unless that’s what you want.)

4. Hobbies guarantee alone time.

Not everyone understands that introverts need alone time. A hobby can be a great excuse to secure that alone time without having to over-explain yourself. Even extroverts understand that people have hobbies — and hopefully they’ll take the hint to leave you be!

Need an excuse to skip that Thursday night gathering at your coworker’s house? Sorry, I need to finish knitting a sweater for my mom.

5. No small talk. 

A hobby can be a fantastic form of self-expression without needing to talk. You don’t have to make small talk with the canvas before you begin painting or chit-chat with your sneakers before going for a run. Nope. You just get down to business in blissful silence.

However, if you are looking to connect with some like-minded people, hobbies are a great place to start. Assuming you’re into the task at hand — whether it’s baking, coding, or birdwatching — you already have a topic to discuss and can nerd out about it as much as you want.

In other words, if you’re a quiet introvert who often doesn’t know what to say, hobbies can provide a way to connect with others by giving you a topic to talk about.

Do you ever struggle to know what to say?

As an introvert, you actually have the ability to be an amazing conversationalist — even if you’re quiet and hate small talk. To learn how, we recommend this online course from our partner Michaela Chung. Click here to check out the Introvert Conversation Genius course.

6. They’re good for your brain.

According to science, having a hobby is good for your brain, mood, and overall well-being. Hobbies are more than just a distraction; they can make you feel excited and look forward to things. This excitement helps release dopamine, a brain chemical that makes you feel good. Even just thinking about a fun hobby can release dopamine.

“You will then start to kind of kick-start the cycle where then you start to expect to enjoy the experience again, and then you become more motivated to seek out that experience,” Dr. Ciara McCabe, a professor of neuroscience, explains.

And those good feelings, my introverted friends, are something I think we can all use more of!

Hobbies for Introverts

So, how do you start a new hobby? The simple answer is just to pick one! But that’s easier said than done, so here are some ideas for hobbies for introverts.

Think about what you enjoyed as a child.

What did you love to do in childhood, and how can you reconnect with that sense of fun? Perhaps you enjoyed Nancy Drew novels. Why not read them all again? Or maybe you were fascinated with finger painting. Why not buy a set of watercolor paints and go crazy? Here are some more ideas:

  • Build model airplanes or cars
  • Write or illustrate stories or poems
  • Plan regular hikes or visits to different parks and natural reserves
  • Play board games or puzzles
  • Collect stamps, coins, books, vinyl records, trading cards, antiques, comics, animal figures, action figures, or other items
  • Get creative with LEGO building, designing your own structures or scenes.
  • Invest in a telescope and explore the night sky
  • Learn how to juggle or perform magic tricks
  • Explore the world of video gaming

What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn?

Humans are naturally curious. What’s something you’ve always wondered about or wanted to try? Here are some more ideas:

  • Learn a new language
  • Experiment until you bake the perfect brownies
  • Discover how to play a musical instrument, like the guitar or piano
  • Take up gardening and grow your own vegetables
  • Learn to sew and make your own clothes or accessories
  • Experiment with DIY home improvement projects
  • Try your hand at photography
  • Dive into the world of programming and code your own app
  • Try pottery or sculpting

What’s something you’re interested in but haven’t pursued because “it’s silly”?

Grown-ups are supposed to be buttoned-up and serious, aren’t they? Sure, in a business setting, that might be the case, but not when it comes to your hobbies! Don’t let the fear of what other people might think get in your way of having fun. Here are some ideas:

  • Research how to become an astronaut
  • Master a new form of dance
  • Take up an unusual sport like fencing, pickleball, or archery
  • Get involved in cosplay and attend conventions
  • Experiment with home brewing or winemaking
  • Dive into the world of fantasy football or other fantasy sports
  • Create your own miniature fairy garden or terrarium

Don’t Take Your Hobby Too Seriously

There’s no perfect blueprint or set of rules that dictates what hobbies you can (or cannot) do, especially when considering hobbies for introverts. You can return to a long-lost love, like playing your flute, or discover a whole new activity you’ve never tried before, such as learning Italian.

Maybe you try something new and realize you don’t actually enjoy it. That’s okay! Move on to something else. Who cares? The key is to not take it too seriously. Perhaps you want to paint but you’re not great at it. Yet, you still have fun doing it anyway. Keep on painting! Maybe you’ll improve, maybe not. The point isn’t mastery; it’s enjoyment. Full stop. Self-care at its finest!

Whether you’re seeking a way to manage stress, a reason for more alone time, or a means to stimulate that beautiful brain of yours, find yourself a fun hobby and stick with it. Allow yourself to get creative and silly and enjoy the freedom of not having to do everything perfectly.

Introverts, what’s a hobby you’re passionate about? I’d love to hear in the comments below!

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