Why INFJs Should Start a Blog

an INFJ blogger's laptop

INFJs are thought to be the rarest of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, making up only 1-2 percent of the population. As a result, it’s easy for us to feel misunderstood, especially in this “extroverted” world. We can be our own worst enemies, and we may struggle to find a healthy way to express our emotions, share our gifts, and frankly, just feel good about who we are.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that my life completely changed the day I started my blog. I didn’t fully realize it then, but now I can see just how incredibly vital to my mental health and happiness the whole experience was. Even after three years, blogging continues to benefit my INFJ personality. Every day, it gives me something invaluable.

You certainly don’t have to be an INFJ to start a blog. Nevertheless, here’s what blogging did for me as an INFJ, and how you can start your own.

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What Blogging Did For Me as an INFJ

1. I found my voice.

Like many teenagers, I was lost. I hated my social awkwardness, I felt everyone’s emotions around me without knowing why, and I adopted other people’s strong opinions because I didn’t feel solid in my own. I attended social events and parties, but I was moulding myself into everything around me and hating how I was neglecting my own interests — I didn’t feel they were worthy. I wasn’t expressing myself. And it wasn’t healthy.

Then, later in life, came blogging. At first, I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t even believe I had the right to share my ideas and experiences; they felt like something only I would “get.” As a result, my first posts were extremely private and surface-level. But blogging nurtured my timid, cautious voice, and my posts grew more confident, more powerful, and more decisive.

It’s like anything we do — we get better with practice. Gradually, I found my footing.

Blogging gave me an outlet to share my ideas and thoughts — and refine them. I’ve grown tremendously through my blogging. I’m convinced I’ve thought more, explored more, and shared more through blogging than I ever would have without it. Blogging honed what I was afraid to think until I fleshed out my ideas and defined them. Now I have a voice that I’m proud of. Without blogging, I might never have discovered it.

2. I found my passion.

I’d always loved writing, but for a long time, it was simply an idealistic hobby that lacked proper technique. There’s nothing wrong with that, but, in true INFJ form, I wanted it to be so much more. And I never would have realized that had I not taken the leap into blogging.

Blogging taught me how to edit. How to review. How to do a better job analyzing ideas. It taught me how to write articles and discussion posts, how to structure sentences, and yes, even to adhere to correct grammar.

And blogging isn’t just about writing. HTML coding, photography, website design, social media management… these are all skills I’m still learning, but would never have been introduced to without my blog.

Blogging can open up so many avenues, and who knows, maybe one of them will be something you find yourself passionately pursuing. I think this is vital for INFJs, because I know from experience how useless we can feel in a world that shoves publicity, over-hyped social events, and “the big and bold” in our faces. It’s important for us to feel like there are options available for us quiet, reflective types.

3. I found my confidence.

I’ve never been confident, and although I have strong opinions (like most INFJs do), I’ve generally been afraid to voice them — we INFJs tend to hate confrontation.

But blogging every day, sharing your opinions and thoughts online, inevitably builds a sense of confidence that can pervade your life offline. As I said, through blogging, I’ve learned so much about what I think and believe, and publishing posts online has given me the confidence to share those beliefs in the “real world.” After all, if I’ve typed out a 1,000 word post blog arguing why we need feminism now more than ever, I’m more equipped to explain it to someone’s face when they ask. I’ve had the time to analyze and explore the issue with careful planning and writing — something we introverts tend to excel at.

Blogging lets us INFJs think and explain at our own pace in our own time, and this can translate to confidence in everyday life.

Do you ever struggle to know what to say?

As an introvert, you actually have the ability to be an amazing conversationalist — even if you’re quiet and hate small talk. To learn how, we recommend this online course from our partner Michaela Chung. Click here to check out the Introvert Conversation Genius course.

4. I found my people.

Blogging may seem like a solitary endeavor, but in reality, it’s not — there’s a lot of interaction online! As an INFJ, I’ve felt misunderstood and weird, but blogging connected me with other introverts and INFJs also searching for meaningful interaction. Some of my best friends exist online — they’re all over the world, and yet we have deep relationships, and we message and chat with each other constantly.

You may be surprised to hear this, but it’s the truth: There are other people, just like you, all over the world, and blogging can bring those people right to you. Those deep discussions you’re after? People who are just as passionate about your interests as you are? My dear INFJ friend, they exist. An overwhelming social gathering probably isn’t your thing, so why not let blogging show you what is? I, for one, would be lost without the people I’ve met online (most of them fellow INFJs!).

How to Start Your Own Blog

Starting a blog is not as daunting as it sounds. Basically, all you need is an internet connection and a platform. I went with Blogger because it’s A) simple and B) free. Many people prefer WordPress because it looks more professional, but Blogger themes are available on Etsy for about $8 if you’re not satisfied with Blogger’s default themes. I bought one from Etsy, and it’s perfectly slick and customizable.

What should you post? It’s up to you! I primarily review books and movies because my INFJ mind loves analysis; thus, reviewing is ideal. But the truth is, there are no rules. Your posts can be rambles, discussions, or even random thoughts and ideas. Post whatever you want to post, and do it first and foremost for yourself. That way, you’ll get the most out of it.

When I first started blogging, I felt pressured to post about hot-topics in the bookish community, because those were the posts I saw around me. As soon as I acknowledged this feeling and how ridiculous it was, I gave myself permission to follow my heart. I wrote about topics I was passionate about. I explored ideas I found interesting. And that’s what blogging should be — it’s about you and your interests and your ideas. The world needs our INFJ perspective.

Some people do actually make a living off blogging, although it can take a lot of work to get there. These blogs tend to fill a specific niche, for example, vegan recipes, budget travel, and even the site you’re reading right now! Should you choose to go that route, there are ways to monetize your blog, such as through ad networks, paid memberships, product sales, or affiliate partnerships.

INFJs, the more you blog, the more natural it will become. We have a unique and intuitive mind, and blogging is an opportunity to utilize our strengths. Follow it where it leads! You could discover a side of yourself you never knew existed, find an outlet for your creativity, connect with people who support and relate to you, and grow in confidence. What are you waiting for?!

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