9 Things You Should Indulge in on World Introvert Day

An introvert reads a book

In a loud and overbearing world, World Introvert Day (Jan. 2) reminds us to relax and indulge our introversion.

Happy World Introvert Day (almost)! Jan. 2 is the day to honor and celebrate the quiet ways of the world, the beauty of solitude, and the magic of gentle strength. In a world that is caught up in the loudest, the most obvious, and the gregarious, World Introvert Day is for the “quiet ones,” the contemplative minds, and the wise souls.

If that’s you, I invite you to approach the day according to your preferences. Introverts are so used to operating in an extroverted world that many of us lose our connection to how we want to operate in the world. So I think a great place to start is indulgence

If you’re like me, that word can make you squirm a little. Indulgence tends to get folks in trouble, right? Perhaps that’s true sometimes. But for introverts, indulging in our introverted tendencies can be a healthy recalibration from living in an extroverted world

Suffice it to say, on Jan. 2 (and maybe all week long), I invite you to indulge in your introverted nature. Follow your inner guide, wherever it leads you. Maybe, just for one day, let your introversion reign free.

Not sure where to start? Here are a few indulgences to get that incredible, deep-thinking mind of yours turning.

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9 Introvert Indulgences for World Introvert Day

1. Your guilty pleasure of avoidance

This isn’t a long-term prescription to buck all your relationships. I couldn’t, in good conscience, suggest that; ultimately, it wouldn’t be healthy. 

But on Jan. 2, I think it’s okay to indulge. Let emails and texts go unanswered. If you still answer your phone when it rings (the horror!), let them leave a voicemail. And for the love of all things quiet, if you happen to see someone you know out and about, indulge in your best avoidant hacks so they never even knew you were there. What a thrill! 

2. Rest

Whoever decided that World Introvert Day be held on Jan. 2 did so on purpose. Whether you need to recover from a fun, albeit overwhelming, New Year’s Eve party, or you are simply adjusting to a new year, World Introvert Day is the perfect excuse to take an extra day of rest for yourself. 

Listen, for introverts, the sheer nature of the holidays is enough to leave us exhausted, even if we indulge our introverted preferences all the way through. (If you did that, please tell us your secrets!) So if you’re ever wondering whether you should catch up on rest, or whether you deserve to, let me clear that up for you on World Introvert Day: The answer is always yes. 

Not only that, but introverts are often also deep feelers, so if you’re like me and feel the grief of another year gone and the hope of a new year dawning, you deserve an extra day to acclimate! 

3. Daydreams

Heady introverts, this one’s for you. (Which I suspect is almost all of us, just to be clear.) 

If you’re ever told that you’re “too in your head,” this is your day to lean all the way into that label. The human brain is meant to wander and wonder. I’m a big believer that daydreams are the keys to the big answers the world needs now more than ever.   

Along with the power of daydreams, daydreaming is just lovely. It’s an introverted indulgence that is wrongfully criticized as a waste of time. On World Introvert Day, daydream away. 

4. Deep conversations

No small talk on Jan. 2. We can practice tolerating it (and even work on using it to our advantage) any other day of the year. 

But on World Introvert Day, we get a pass. We reserve the right to only talk to those we know can handle a deep conversation. For all those who can’t, we’ll chat tomorrow. 

5. Canceled plans

Ah yes, an introverted guilty pleasure staple! Nothing sparks joy for an introvert quite like canceled plans; that feeling of relief when anything on your calendar gets nixed is tough to match. 

Of course, I’m not here to tell you to be a jerk and cancel important plans for the thrill of it. But in honor of the day, perhaps take a look at the week ahead and find at least one appointment you could cancel just as a treat for your introverted self. If you can finagle a canceled appointment on World Introvert Day, you’re definitely doing it right.

Do you ever struggle to know what to say?

As an introvert, you actually have the ability to be an amazing conversationalist — even if you’re quiet and hate small talk. To learn how, we recommend this online course from our partner Michaela Chung. Click here to check out the Introvert Conversation Genius course.

6. A day in

Dealer’s choice on this one. On Jan. 2, do yourself the favor of asking that inner voice of yours: What do I feel like doing today? Do I want to indulge in a day in… or an introvert-friendly day out? 

If you’re leaning more toward getting out, then by all means, do it. Take yourself out for coffee or lunch, go on an artist date (whether you consider yourself an “artist” or not), or spend some time out in nature. We know being introverted isn’t just about being alone at home (except when it 100 percent is). 

So whichever way you’re leaning on World Introvert Day, follow it. The world is just as much yours to explore as your home is yours to retreat. 

7. Socializing… with your fictional and animal besties

Socializing doesn’t have to mean you’re spending time with people.

Jan. 2 is a day to spend with your BFFs, particularly if they are of the fictional or animal persuasion. Hang out with your favorite books, TV shows, and movies. Commune with nature. Cuddle your fur babies who understand you like no one else can

8. Sensory immersion (or deprivation!)

While I’m very pro-being-in-your-head, I also want to encourage my fellow introverts to indulge in being in their bodies. Connect that daydreaming and internal communing you do so well with your physical body: How does it make you feel? Does it energize you? Does it relax you? 

Experiment with embodiment. Indulge in your senses — your favorite candle, the perfect blanket, or your favorite dessert. Or, indulge in sensory deprivation — shut out the lights and sounds that can be so irritating and overwhelming for introverts

Here’s a question to sink in: How do you embody your beautiful introversion?

9. Self-appreciation

Dear introvert, you are so worth being celebrated on World Introvert Day. You don’t have to wait for others to acknowledge all the creativity, strength, and wisdom you possess. Indulge in recognizing it in yourself. Write it down, experience how it feels in your body, or tell your cat. Appreciate who you are, introversion and all. 

I trust that your incredible, contemplative mind, heart, and body knows how to prioritize your introverted needs. Hopefully, this list has helped inspire a few ideas in you, but more than anything else, follow your intuition. For introverts, that’s the greatest, healthiest, most productive indulgence of all. 

Happy World Introvert Day, introverts! Now go, indulge, and celebrate who you are!

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