9 Qualities That Will Make You Proud to Be an Introvert

An introvert smiles while leaning against a fence

For one, we introverts tend to be very focused when we put our minds to something because deep thinking is what we do best. 

Sometimes, it’s hard to be an introvert. There are things people seem to misunderstand about us all the time.

For example, people tell us that we are “too quiet” or we should “speak up” more. Hearing things like these can make us feel as though there is something wrong with us. It feels like we have to become more extroverted to blend in and fulfill people’s expectations.

However, I think that we introverts have plenty of unique strengths others may not even be aware of — or appreciate. And these strengths can help us naturally excel in certain areas.

So, my fellow introverts, here are some qualities that should make you proud to be a “quiet one.”

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9 Qualities That Will Make You Proud to Be an Introvert 

1. You think things through before you speak.   

We introverts tend to consider our words carefully before we speak, and this is one reason why people think we don’t speak much. However, by thinking (a lot) before speaking, this can be one of our strengths. We prefer quality over quantity when speaking so that we are as prepared as possible vs. being put on the spot (which we hate).

2. When you put your mind to something, you give it your all.

As deep thinking is in an introvert’s nature, we tend to be very focused when we put our minds to something. Conversely, extroverts seem to be more carefree and have a go-with-the-flow attitude. This may work well for them, but not for us. We generally like to plan things and give projects (work/home/etc.) our all. 

Not only do we benefit from following through on things to the best of our ability, but our bosses, partners, and friends likely appreciate it, too.

3. You are great at active listening and absorbing information.

As we prefer to speak only when we feel it’s beneficial, we often choose to listen instead — and not just listen, but actively listen. In doing so, we pick up on little things, like what someone says through their body language and pauses between thoughts. 

So we excel at not just paying attention to what the person is saying, but we excel at processing what they’re saying, too.

As people like when they feel like they’re being heard, this introverted quality can be valuable in building strong relationships. 

4. You look at all angles of a situation before making a decision.

While some introverts may struggle to make decisions, many of us do so confidently — that is, we explore all angles of a situation vs. making a rash decision. This careful decision making can be beneficial, as not everyone takes the time to do so. And, to others, it may not come to them naturally.

Let’s say you’re in a relationship with an extrovert who’s more spur-of-the-moment, and the two of you are planning a vacation. You may do most of the planning, as that is your strong suit, whereas they may handle other trip logistics. 

5. You excel at jobs you can do independently (i.e., alone).

As introverts, we appreciate the opportunities to work alone on job tasks. Not because we cannot work on a team (we can… if we have to!). But we usually prefer working independently so we can focus without unwanted interruptions and small talk with chatty coworkers sprinkled in.

And, between job tasks, we like having (more) alone time so we can regroup and recharge before moving on to a new project or assignment.

Do you ever struggle to know what to say?

As an introvert, you actually have the ability to be an amazing conversationalist — even if you’re quiet and hate small talk. To learn how, we recommend this online course from our partner Michaela Chung. Click here to check out the Introvert Conversation Genius course.

6. You’re great at focusing on one thing at a time.

Similar to the above point, working independently, we introverts also excel when focusing on one thing at a time. While some introverts can multitask, many of us get distracted if there’s too much happening at once (i.e., too many tabs open on the computer or too many half-finished projects on our desk). 

Plus, I find that when I give something my complete attention, I complete it faster. This inadvertently makes me more productive, as then I can move on to a new task.

7. You like to give credit where credit is due.

I’m sure you’d agree that most introverts don’t like being put in the spotlight. As such, if someone else takes credit for something we did, it may be hard for us to speak up. 

But, if we’re in charge of a team work setting, we’ll be sure to give credit where credit is due. This is just one way introverts make great leaders, for we like to make others feel appreciated, which only makes them work that much harder. Plus, by focusing on what they did right, we boost morale, too. 

8. You prefer to show by example and results, not by words and talk.

Going back to the team project I mentioned above, let’s say the team is made up of introverts and extroverts. Most introverts would probably rather focus on doing research and deep work on the project vs. doing the presentation part, and the extroverts probably won’t mind doing the latter. So it can be a win-win situation. 

Often, the quality of work we introverts produce is evident to others and no one will mind that we didn’t actually present the presentation. 

9. You have deep relationships with the people close to you.

As introverts, we like to talk on a deeper level with people rather than partake in small talk.

We also prefer to have fewer people in our inner circle than an extrovert might, for example. For us, it’s about quality, not quantity, when it comes to interpersonal relationships.

Plus, when we’re with loved ones and friends who “get” us, we’re able to develop stronger bonds with them. They don’t tell us we’re “too quiet” or that we should “speak up” more. Instead, they just let us be: We’ll talk about our passions with them, we’ll listen to theirs, and if we need a breather for some alone time, they won’t mind. 

Introverts, what would you add to this list? I’d love to hear in the comments below!

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