9 Things INTPs Absolutely Hate

IntrovertDear.com things INTP personality hates

INTPs are generally quite easy-going and flexible. Known for their intellectual curiosity and their unique approach to problem-solving, the INTP easily spots the logical inconsistencies in any given argument or system. At their best, INTPs are brilliant innovators whose theories and ideas change the world; Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein are thought to have been INTPs, among many others.

However, just like any other personality type, even easy-going INTPs have their limits. Here are nine things most people of the INTP personality type hate. INTPs, what would you add to this list?

Things the INTP Hates

1. When people believe illogical things

INTPs approach the world primarily through logic. In other words, they want the world to make sense. All their lives, they’ve been building an inner mental framework of how the world works — constantly modifying and updating it as they discover or experience new things. As a result, the INTP personality is quite adept at spotting logical errors and noticing when things don’t quite add up.

For this reason, INTPs don’t understand how some people can hold firm to a belief that’s been proven illogical, whether it’s a religious, political, or philosophical worldview, or anything else. Many INTPs even enjoy — nay, delight — in poking holes in illogical ideas. They hate it when people maintain a belief just because it “feels right” or it’s what they’ve always believed.

2. Being forced to deal with lots of details

INTPs are intuitives, not sensors, which means they’re at their best when they’re dealing with the big picture. Their minds are geared toward brainstorming new ideas, exploring possibilities, and innovating. Outwardly, INTPs may look like they’re lost in an unending daydream, caught up in the dialogue inside their head. And generally, for them, that dialogue is far more interesting than anything else happening in the real world.

As a result, INTPs tend to be easily bored by the mundane or routine. Many INTPs struggle with completing day-to-day tasks like keeping their desk organized or remembering to take the car into the shop for its regular oil change. It’s not that INTPs can’t do these things — in fact, developing some “sensing skills” will go a long way toward helping them realize their bigger dreams. It’s just that these things don’t hold their interest. In fact, INTPs will hate any situation that forces them to focus on lots of little details, like a job or a class.

3. Being pressured to talk about their feelings before they’re ready

Because INTPs view everything through the lens of logic, they may feel uncomfortable dealing with emotional matters. That includes dealing with other people’s feelings, but especially their own. Private by nature, they tend to keep their emotions to themselves, sometimes hiding them from even those closest to them.

It’s not that INTPs are incapable of talking about emotional matters. It’s that they likely need more time than others to process them — and they need to feel emotionally safe with someone before opening up in such a vulnerable way. When someone pressures an INTP to talk about personal or emotional matters before they’re ready, INTPs will hate it.

4. Having to make a decision before exploring all the possibilities

Due to their perceiving nature, INTPs care deeply about the decision-making process and not just the end result. In other words, it’s about the journey, not just the destination. They by no means feel compelled to make hasty decisions just for the sake of efficiency. They’re more interested in exploring possibilities and what might be rather than quickly making a plan and hammering out all the details. Unfortunately, sometimes this means they get stuck in analysis paralysis and overthinking.

INTPs will need more time than others to reach a firm conclusion or plan of action. They’ll hate being forced to make a decision without sufficient time to explore all their options.

5. Not getting enough alone time

INTPs are introverts who need plenty of solitude. In their alone time, they daydream, reflect, and explore philosophies and theoretical possibilities, as well as recharge by doing solo activities like reading, gaming, or journaling. Without enough alone time, like any other introvert, they’ll feel out of sorts, mentally fatigued, and perhaps even physically exhausted and unwell.

6. Social niceties, small talk, and seemingly pointless social norms

Social norms and niceties just don’t make sense to many INTPs. What’s the point of making chitchat when there are more interesting and important things to talk about? Why comment on the weather when everyone can clearly see that it’s raining? 

Unfortunately, sometimes this means INTPs come across as cold, distant, or socially awkward. As they grow, many INTPs learn that even though they find social pleasantries to be annoying and inauthentic, there’s a real benefit to doing them. But even when INTPs learn to fake a smile and a hearty, “How was your weekend?” it doesn’t mean they don’t inwardly hate the mind-numbing small talk that follows.

7. Sacrificing the truth for politeness

Similarly, INTPs value when others speak the truth, and they rarely mince words themselves. Sometimes this means they come across as overly blunt or direct, but they’d rather have it this way than sacrifice the truth. Philosophers and seekers at heart, INTPs are looking to understand the world by assembling all its puzzle pieces — and this can’t be done if people aren’t willing to say what they mean.

8. Having to follow rules or traditions that don’t make sense

Very little is sacred to the highly logical and fiercely independent INTP. For this personality type, commonly held philosophies and practices, rules, and even family traditions all must hold up to logical scrutiny. 

On the job, at home, or in school, INTPs will have a hard time following rules or community standards that don’t make sense to them. They often appear as quiet nonconformists, subtly bucking the status quo. It’s not that they’re purposely trying to be difficult, combative, or hurtful (although to some others, it might seem that way). Again, it all comes back to their unrelenting logic.

9. When life lacks meaning

Few other personality types are as concerned with meaning as the INTP. For them, punching in and out of a 9-to-5 job just to earn a paycheck isn’t enough. They crave using their natural skills and talents to solve complex problems and understand the world — all in the name of making it a little better for everyone. When the INTP’s life lacks meaning, whether in their career or their personal lives, they will absolutely hate it.

Are You an INTP?

Some of these points are things a lot of people will hate, and every INTP is going to be a little different. If you can relate to most of them, however, chances are good that you’re an INTP. Want to be one hundred percent sure? There’s an easy way to find out: Take this free personality assessment from Personality Hacker and see your personality type in minutes. 

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