How Working With a Life Coach Can Bring Out the Best in Introverts and Sensitive People

An introvert talks to her life coach

A coach walks with you, giving you the confidence that comes with having someone at your side. 

Introverts and sensitive people can benefit a lot when they have a life coach by their side. By coaching, I mean a wellness professional who partners with you as you overcome obstacles, release what no longer serves you, and create your desired life. 

So many of our introverted and highly sensitive qualities — from our conscientiousness to our ability to notice subtle details — are those that enable a person to easily come into their own with coaching support.  

I, myself, am someone who has greatly benefited from receiving coaching over the years. With a trusted coach at my side, I gained clarity and tools to help me better recognize my strengths — and to transform my life into one that’s a good fit for me. 

Sidenote: Through being coached, I was motivated to become a coach myself. As both an introvert and a sensitive person, I decided to work as a coach for introverts and sensitive people. I give them guidance and support, as well as useful tools to help them come into their own. 

If you’re an introvert and/or sensitive person who’s thinking about seeing a life coach, here are some ways it can benefit you.

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6 Ways Working With a Life Coach Can Bring Out the Best in Introverts and Sensitive People

1. Your coach will hold a safe space for what you say, no matter what it is.

A coach is trained to hold a calm, and safe, space for you. This means they give you their full attention and listen deeply, with both their ears and hearts. This is the kind of space that’s perfectly suited to introverts and sensitive people. It means that you are not judged and that your truth and experience are accepted, no matter what they may be. Working with a coach in this way will help improve your emotional health

In case you are wondering how life coaches divert from therapists, while there are many areas of similarity and overlap, there are also many differences. A therapist revisits the past with you and may offer a diagnosis. A life coach, however, focuses on your present life and on ways to create the future you desire. 

Many sensitive introverts are great listeners, but as you know, we don’t always get that in return from others. So it’s a relief to be with a coach who is skilled at truly listening. Another bonus is we don’t have to be “nice.” We can be free of the need to please others and be authentic with our coach.

I know you’ll understand when I mention the pure joy of having some quiet time in a safe space where you are understood. There is no need to justify yourself; you can just relax and be calm in this kind of space, and explore your nature, purpose, goals, dreams — and how to make them come true. That’s what a coach does: “holds” the space so that we can be even more of who we already are.   

2. You can have deep, meaningful conversations.

As introverts and sensitive people, small talk is not our favorite. We’re not happy campers standing at a party talking about the weather with strangers. What we do love, however, is to go for the deep-dive — we want to know what’s below the surface and get a sense of what it all means. 

Meaningful conversations where we get to talk about what matters to us, our dreams, and the nature of our being are fun and enjoyable. It may sound like a nightmare to the folks who get a kick out of chit-chat, but spending time knowing what’s in our minds and hearts — with a trusted, compassionate person — is our idea of a good time. 

Plus, once we’re comfortable with someone, we’re great at discussing things in depth. And that’s the kind of conversation you get to have with a coach. They also provide guidance and support, and help you bring clarity to areas of your life that seem murky.  

3. Coaching goes at a pace that you can set.

You can set your own pace in coaching. This is the opposite of the stressed-out world that is forever telling us to hurry up already. Introverts and sensitive people love to do things at their own speed. We don’t buy into the constant rush, and the useless, unsustainable mad dash. 

When you think about it, so many great things come together slowly, like growing vegetables… or, in this case, attempting to create a more meaningful life. In coaching, we take the time that’s needed for contemplation and choice-making, and for answers to come to our questions. Think intentional turtle instead of hurried hare. That kind of pace brings out the best in us.   

Is the chaos of life overwhelming you as a highly sensitive person?

Sensitive people have certain brain differences that make them more susceptible to stress and anxiety. Thankfully, there is a way to train your brain so you can navigate the challenges of sensitivity, access your gifts, and thrive in life. Psychotherapist and sensitivity expert Julie Bjelland will show you how in her popular online course, HSP Brain Training. As an Introvert, Dear reader, you can take 50% off the registration fee using the code INTROVERTDEARClick here to learn more.

4. You can form a true connection with your coach — they get you.

Introverts thrive in one-on-one settings; we respond so well to interactions with one other person.  

Coaching is a conscientious conversation where you receive the full attention of a caring person. A coach walks with you, giving you the confidence that comes with having someone at your side. That alone is valuable, knowing that you are accompanied on your journey. You can be even braver that way. 

A relationship with the right coach can be close, trustworthy, and rewarding. It’s such a delight to be in the company of someone who “gets” you, where things are easy because of this connection. So much healing and potential are possible in a relationship where there is trust, respect, appreciation, consideration, connection, and understanding. 

5. Working with a coach is a celebration of who you are as a person.

A coach also celebrates your successes. As introverts and sensitive people, we are so wonderfully conscientious that we tend to take life heavily. So we benefit greatly from a lightening of the burden we carry. 

Coaching can be a space of lightness and celebration, one where your wins are cheered on. There is nothing more joyous, delightful, rewarding, and fun for a coach than seeing a client come into their own.

6. You can do a lot with a little.

A little goes a long way with introverts and sensitive people. It doesn’t take much encouragement or information for sensitive introverts to understand things in a new way or to have a breakthrough. We respond beautifully to subtlety and gentle nudges; no need for big shoves with us. 

That said, we take the information and “Aha!” moments from coaching sessions, ponder them, and make them our own. Since we have such an interest in, and benefit so much from, introspection and self-awareness, we are naturally good candidates for coaching. Sometimes all it takes is a little support and a few new tools for us to gain a new appreciation for ourselves… and finally step into our right life. 

I am a life coach working with introverts and highly sensitive people. I welcome new clients in my life coaching practice every day, and you can book a Life Coach Session with Maryse Cardin here.

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