6 Ways to Improve Your Work-From-Home Space as an Introvert

An introvert works from home

While many introverts love working from home, it can be challenging to set up a space that makes you feel productive and comfortable.

As an introvert, you were likely jumping with excitement when given the opportunity to work from home. After all, which introvert wouldn’t want to escape from a stressful open-plan office setting where masses of people huddle together?

As more and more jobs are asking workers to come back to the office, many are enacting hybrid work environments with a mix of in-office and at-home work.

While the work-from-home life is a dream come true for many introverts, it is not always easy to set up the perfect space for productivity. Even if you’ve been working from home for months (or years) now, how conducive is your workspace to getting quality work done? 

Plus, you may need to adapt to family members being home, too, which is by no means an easy task. Your home space may be filled with kids, pets, and other distractions. Learning to balance everything is not a piece of cake.

Whether you work from home full-time or just occasionally, it’s important to set up your workspace in a way that helps you manage your everyday life. Here are some tips to create a better work-from-home space and stay productive.

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6 Ways to Improve Your Work-From-Home Space as an Introvert

1. Create a comfortable workspace by adding cozy touches.

Introverts must have a workspace that is comfortable and inviting. You should feel great about spending time in your home office, so make sure it reflects your personal style.

In my case, I love letting sunlight come in by opening the window blinds. I work best when every corner of my workspace is exposed to natural lighting. I also place houseplants by my window sill to liven up the environment. (Plus, they’re good for you — they can promote a sense of calm and improve your concentration.)

Having a comfortable spot that you only use for work means less clutter and more ease of mind. This is especially helpful for introverts who get easily overwhelmed by too much stuff around them.

Don’t worry, it doesn’t need to be fancy. Consider adding some cozy touches, like blankets, pillows, or candles to make it feel more like your own space, your very own “introvert zen zone.”

When you create a space where you feel comfortable, you’re able to be creative and productive. You don’t want to be stressed out and anxious while working from home, right? So make sure you find a way to create a space that belongs to you and makes you feel energized.

2. Decorate minimalistically in a way that will promote focus, not distraction.

There are many mental health benefits of working from home, including having an “office” where you feel comfortable and productive (and no small talk allowed!).

While you want your workspace to feel like home, you don’t want it to be too messy — a clutter-free environment is important for introverts. Introverts work best when things are kept simple and clean so they can focus on their work. A few strategically placed items, like a framed photo or favorite coffee mug, can make a huge difference.

Focus on what can truly add to an enjoyable atmosphere. Doing so will help you find your focus and control your attention span. You can have a better time when it comes to achieving productivity.

3. Make sure you have privacy (or a good “Do Not Disturb” sign).

Introverts can have a hard time focusing when they’re constantly being interrupted. If possible, find a place in your home where you can close the door and have some privacy. 

If you live with roommates or family members, it can be difficult to find a place where you can have a space that’s truly yours. There are likely people who want to talk to you, kids who want to play with you, and even pets who need attention.

In that case, you might want to invest in some noise-canceling headphones. Of course, it won’t solve all of your problems, but you can at least muffle the distractions around you. Basically, do whatever is necessary to divide your work life from your personal one.

Do you ever struggle to know what to say?

As an introvert, you actually have the ability to be an amazing conversationalist — even if you’re quiet and hate small talk. To learn how, we recommend this online course from our partner Michaela Chung. Click here to check out the Introvert Conversation Genius course.

4. Use technology sparingly (“Do Not Disturb” mode is important here, too).

Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you need to be glued to your computer or phone all day. You should take breaks and disconnect from technology now and then, as this will help you relax and recharge.

If you find yourself getting easily distracted by social media or emails, try having a computer only meant for work. This way, you will only have access to things related to work, not personal ones. And, while you’re at it, put your phone on Do Not Disturb mode, too.

Don’t get me wrong. The internet is wonderful due to the vast information we have access to. However, it can distract us from what we should truly be doing.

So use technology wisely. (You don’t want it to ruin your ability to work productively.) Set certain times to check social media, email, and anything else online that’s not work-related. 

5. Set boundaries for yourself — take breaks, but then get back to work.

When working from home, there is no one telling you when to stop working. While the flexibility is great, it also means you need to start creating boundaries for yourself, which can be hard for us introverts.

So be sure to set aside time for breaks and make sure you’re not working more than you need to or are comfortable with.  

If you don’t create boundaries for yourself, you will end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed, which can quickly lead to burnout. You need to establish certain hours of the day that you’re going to focus on your tasks. 

Even if you only have 15 minutes to spare, take advantage of that alone time. This will not only benefit your introvert needs, but you will also have time to dive deeply into your work once you are recharged.

6. Work in a quiet environment (white noise machines can work wonders!).

While noise isn’t necessarily bad, it certainly affects how introverts perform. Noise levels tend to rise when we’re trying to concentrate, making it much harder to focus on our tasks. If you’re working on a noisy street with cars zooming by, for instance, try moving your desk to a quieter area, close the windows, or invest in a white noise machine.

Making these small changes may seem over the top, but recognize that we introverts need quiet time to reach our peak, productive state.

Check out my self-improvement website, Success in Depth, for more tips on how to achieve a successful life.

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