7 Ways to Create an Introvert Retreat in Your Home

An introvert retreat

The easiest way for an introvert to get some peace and quiet is to carve out a room that’s theirs and theirs alone.

For many of us, the last couple of years resulted in a lot of sitting at home. (And some of us are still home a lot for work.) This unexpected surge in downtime led me to doing a lot of tinkering around the house — redecorating, reorganizing, and decluttering the same rooms for months on end was a good way to stave off boredom. Looking back on my experience, I realize just how much my environment affected my overall well-being.

Research shows that a variety of factors, from your work environment to your home life, can have a substantial impact on how you feel on a daily basis. Stress and anxiety experienced outside the home can linger and worsen if you don’t give yourself the time and space to recover from the day and improve your mood.

For an introvert like myself, it’s important to have a space, an introvert sanctuary, where I can comfortably recharge at the end of the day. Creating a home that feels safe, calm, and serene is so important in managing my overall stress levels and boosting my mood. With that said, here are just a few tips to get you started on building the perfect space to relax, unwind, and rejuvenate yourself.

7 Ways to Create an Introvert Retreat in Your Home

1. Focus on peace and quiet.

Unless you live alone, chances are you’ll spend a good portion of your day in the company of your partner, children, or roommates. While a little companionship is always nice, we introverts can really benefit from some alone time to properly unwind at the end of a tough day. The easiest way to guarantee some peace and quiet is to carve out a quiet room that’s yours and yours alone.

Furnish this “introvert zen zone” with your favorite comfy pieces, whether that’s a cozy recliner or a chaise lounge where you can stretch out in solitude. While not all homes have a floor plan that allows for a dedicated quiet room, you can still try to make some space for yourself. Try transforming a small, intimate reading nook or project space into an area that lets you get away from daily distractions and focus on the things that help you feel at ease.

2. Add dividers between rooms to maximize privacy.

Open floor plans are increasingly popular in interior design. Studio apartments, converted industrial housing, and other layouts which emphasize openness are thought to free up your space and encourage a more natural, interconnected home. What this trend ignores is that open floor plans are also noisy and anything but private, which can overload the senses and stress out introverts.

Instead, consider a more traditional layout with walls and dividers between rooms. The last thing I want to hear when I’m trying to relax in a quiet space is a television, kitchen appliance, or conversation from another part of the house. Walls, especially upholstered or otherwise soundproofed, are effective at filtering out noise and other distractions, so you can relax and recharge.

3. Choose pleasant, soothing color palettes to promote relaxation.

When I come home after a long day, I want my space to feel like a peaceful respite from the fast-paced, intense outside world. Adopting a pleasing neutral color scheme can help keep your space calm and low-stimulus. A little color theory goes a long way, so experiment with some of your favorites. A brighter neutral, like off-white or beige, can brighten a room and lift your spirits, while darker shades, like gray and blue, evoke total relaxation.

Think about what you want to feel in each part of your home, and find a gorgeous and simple color scheme to make it yours. Paint your living room walls a soft green for a touch of character, or paint your bedroom a soothing gray to better facilitate a good night’s sleep. Mixing and matching colors in different rooms can create a peaceful atmosphere that caters to your unique needs.

4. Choose fabrics that are soft to the touch.

Creating a pleasant home atmosphere involves more than simply moving some furniture around or updating your décor. It’s about building a space where you can be fully comfortable, both mentally and physically. If tactile sensations help calm you down, try refurbishing your layout with soft fabrics that make it easier to let go of your worries. After all, it’s a lot harder to feel overwhelmed while wrapped in your favorite warm, fuzzy blanket.

Another thing that helps me is using soft and breathable fabrics for upholstery. Consider a comfy microfiber couch in the living room or a smooth velvet chair in your favorite reading spot. For bedrooms, plush throw pillows, cushy bedding, and even a new mattress can totally change the way you relax for the better. The physical comfort of soft things makes it easier for me to recharge, so consider trying it out for yourself and see what works.

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5. Let the sunshine in — natural light is better than artificial light.

Research has shown that prolonged exposure to artificial light can take a toll on your health. Whether it’s the harsh overhead fixtures at your office or the glow of your phone screen at night, these synthetic lights can cause headaches and restless sleep, making it even harder to relax. One easy solution to this problem is to illuminate your home with soft, natural lighting.

I typically keep my curtains and blinds open during the day to let some sunshine into my space. If your layout allows, you can also arrange your living room furniture so your favorite spots bask in the sun’s rays. Natural light is scientifically proven to improve your mood and clear your head, leading to a healthier state of mind all day long.

6. Plant some positivity — greenery is good for you.

One of my favorite ways to relax is by soaking up a little bit of natural beauty. Incorporating plants into your home ambience is an easy way to add the soothing vitality of the great outdoors to your indoor space. Succulents are a popular and easy choice, requiring relatively little care, while large ferns, houseplants, and Bonsai trees give you an opportunity to express your inner gardener.

Caring for your plants can also be a therapeutic activity. Establishing a routine for watering and repotting gives you a new and engaging hobby that helps ease tension and anxiety after a hard day. Plus, surrounding yourself with natural things is proven to elevate your mood, promote creativity, and even eliminate airborne pollutants and allergens.

7. Decorate in a style that you personally love.

Finally, when you’re redesigning your home to create a peaceful, introvert-friendly space, it’s important to consider what exactly you want to feel when you get home every day. Removing excess clutter and revamping mismatched décor is a great start toward creating a harmonious atmosphere. But the easiest way to feel at ease in your home is to make it your own.

Decorate in a style that you personally love, whether that’s by displaying your favorite photos, heirlooms, and curios, or creating a minimalist space that encourages you to focus on yourself and the present moment. As an introvert, you are in tune with your own tastes and preferences better than anyone else, so make your home a place that truly feels like you.

At the End of the Day, Create a Space That Promotes Calm

We all need time to collect ourselves after a tough day of over-stimulation. Maintaining your mental health is a constant process, and finding ways to make it easier to recharge your social and physical batteries goes a long way towards encouraging healthy behavior. Designing an introvert-friendly home gives you a safe, comfortable, and relaxing environment where you can focus on yourself.

There are so many little steps you can take to transform your home into a peaceful retreat for introverts. From designing a distraction-free zen room to stocking up on soothing scented candles, there are plenty of tips I didn’t get to. At the end of the day, I hope you can use these examples as a starting point to create a space that keeps you calm, centered, and ready to face each day.

I enjoy writing about many different topics from the comfort of my home office (after all, I’m an introvert who needs to focus on her zen.) You can see more of my writing in my virtual portfolio

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