5 Ideas for Introverts to Make a New Friend This Summer

An introvert serves food to friends at a summer picnic

If you’re hoping to connect with someone new and have a meaningful conversation, a smaller group is the way to go.

Are you an introvert looking to make a new friend this summer? While it’s true that we introverts may find it daunting to expand our network, there are definitely steps we can take to make it happen.

In this post, we’ll explore five simple ways introverts can make friends this summer. Ready to enjoy the sunshine and make a new pal or two? Read on.

Idea for Introverts to Make Friends This Summer

1. Socialize in smaller groups; that way, it’ll be less overwhelming.

Yes, social situations can be overwhelming, but it can be easier (and more rewarding) to spend time with a smaller group of people. 

In fact, if you’re hoping to connect with someone new and have meaningful conversations, a smaller group is often the way to go. Not only does it allow for more personalized interactions, but it also avoids the challenge of competing for attention in a larger crowd.

Socializing with fewer people at a time also reduces many factors that can make introverts uncomfortable, like loud noises and crowds. 

For example, I was able to plug into a small group Bible study at church. These women not only put me at ease, but I had an easier time attending, knowing it was literally a “small group”… which took a lot of the pressure off me as an introvert! And now, these are some of my dearest friends.

You may also find that connecting with people who share similar interests works well, too, as it will make your relationships even better.

You can thrive as an introvert or a sensitive person in a loud world. Subscribe to our email newsletter. Once a week, you’ll get empowering tips and insights. Click here to subscribe.

2. Get an extroverted “wing buddy” to help break the ice.

Grab your extroverted friend and GO! Extroverted friends can be the perfect way to expand your social horizons.

Many extroverts thrive in group settings and have a natural ability to connect with people. Your extroverted buddy can help break the ice, initiate conversations, and introduce you to new people you wouldn’t have met otherwise. Way less stress!

I love going out with my extroverted friends, especially when it’s to a new place or with people I haven’t met. I can share and connect with others more easily, knowing that my extroverted bestie has my back (and that at least one person will get my humor or stories).  

Plus, extroverts usually have broad networks and are actively involved in events and activities that you can tag along with to help you break out of your shell and try new things you wouldn’t do otherwise. 

3. Volunteer with other like-minded individuals.

Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet new people and make friends. You get to work toward a common goal with people who share your passions and values while also giving back to the community. 

Also, volunteering is usually a longer commitment than many other social activities, such as attending a happy hour or grabbing coffee, so it gives you the opportunity to connect more frequently without the added stress and pressure of setting up specific days/times to meet. 

When we first moved to the suburbs of Dallas, Texas almost 16 years ago, I (reluctantly) joined the Junior League, to meet new people.  A nonprofit organization of women volunteers who work together to improve communities through civic leadership, fundraising, and volunteering. While this was intimidating in many ways, the volunteer environment made conversations easier when it came to getting to know other ladies. Plus, we already had something in common: the passion for service and giving back to the community.  

4. Try a new hobby; that way, you can focus on the activity vs. small talk.

Trying a new hobby might be the solution you need. Not only can it offer personal satisfaction in doing activities that align with your interests, but it can also create opportunities for social interaction.

Doing so also offers a relaxed and pressure-free way to socialize. Unlike traditional networking events or crowded social gatherings, the focus is on enjoying the activity itself rather than the need for small talk and mingling. 

As an introverted runner, my deepest friendships have been forged over long runs. By running side-by-side, it takes away the pressure we often feel when sitting face-to-face. Plus, with the endorphins pumping, the conversations just seem to flow… not to mention, runners love other runners. Instant connection! 

It doesn’t mean it has to be running. Try nature walks, kayaking, or a new book club.

5. Hang out with your neighbors — you’ll barely have to leave your house.

When it comes to building connections with new friends, the folks in your own backyard (literally!) is a great place to start. 

Getting to know your neighbors eliminates the pressure of meeting new people in unfamiliar settings. Since they’re right next door, interacting with neighbors is perhaps one of the most comfortable and familiar environments for you… and they’re only a few steps away.  

This shared context creates a great starting point for conversations, providing a sense of belonging and deeper friendships.

You can also consider hosting an introvert-friendly event this summer, like a picnic with your neighbors. Let me tell you, it’s the perfect recipe for making meaningful connections. 

With a spread of delicious snacks, refreshing drinks, and the sun shining bright, you’ll be able to enjoy each other’s company without feeling overwhelmed by a bustling crowd.

Do you ever struggle to know what to say?

As an introvert, you actually have the ability to be an amazing conversationalist — even if you’re quiet and hate small talk. To learn how, we recommend this online course from our partner Michaela Chung. Click here to check out the Introvert Conversation Genius course.

Go Ahead — Embrace Your Introverted Self

Embracing your introversion can have numerous benefits for your relationships. As an introvert, you are more comfortable expressing your ideas through writing or one-on-one conversations than in larger groups. Understanding what overstimulates you, and choosing where to best spend your energy, will protect you from unnecessary stress and overwhelm.

Additionally, introverts tend to get to know someone before sharing personal details about themselves, making them more appealing in the early stages of relationships. This, too, can lead to more meaningful connections. 

Personally, I love low-key, introvert-friendly gatherings where my introverted nature allows me to really connect with a new friend. We will have a deeper conversation than what would have been possible in a large group setting, which we both love.

All in all, embracing your introversion can help you form more meaningful and fulfilling connections with others while also allowing you to stay true to yourself — which is what it’s all about.

Summer is the season of new beginnings, and what better way to embrace it than by making a new friend?

Download the FREE 30-Day Self Love Journal PDF today!

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